Anytime the apostles asked Jesus to give a prediction, anytime people pressed Him for a sign, Jesus would tell them, “You be obedient in this moment. Pay attention to the opportunities in front of you and let tomorrow take care of itself.” Jesus consistently reminded the apostles that the future is already finished and secure, but what they needed to be aware of is the present moment God had given them.
While we always tend to look ahead, that temptation is magnified in this Covid-19 season. We want to know when the governor will announce we are in stage 2 or stage 3 of opening back up. We want to know when researchers will come up with a vaccine or treatment. We want to know when we will get our sports back. We want to know if our kids will be able to return to school on campus this August. We want to know when we’ll be able to meet together as a church family.
These are important concerns, but they are concerns over which we have precious little control. What we do have control over is what we are doing right now. I don’t remember who said it first, but these words have always stuck with me: “focus on heaven, but don’t be so focused on heaven that you are no earthly good.”
What are you doing right now to bless a neighbor or friend? What are you doing right now about the people around you who might have lost their job? What are you doing right now to make a child smile? What are you doing right now to share Jesus? What are you doing right now to love God and love others? What are you doing with this moment God has given you?
-Mike Johnson