The three words above instantly bring on a wide spectrum of perspectives. Many of us have been wrestling with how to have a ‘normal’ Mother’s Day in times that are anything but normal.
Some of us are grateful to be able to wish our moms a Happy Mother’s Day in person, while others of us are grateful to do so over the phone, or perhaps this year, over zoom. Some will be enduring their first Mother’s Day without their mom on this side of eternity. And for those who have seen dozens of Mother’s Days come and go since their mom has passed, the day brings the full emotional range from gratitude to sorrow to joy to regret.
Some would give anything to be able to hear the words, “Happy Mother’s Day,” but for whatever reason, they do not have children to speak those words to them. Mother’s Day is the highlight of the year for many, while for a few, there’s not a whole lot that’s happy about it.
I would imagine that you know someone in nearly ever category above. You know a mom whose children cannot be with her today. How can you bless her? You likely know a mom whose child is living in rebellion. How can you bless her? You know someone who will be missing his/her mom today. How can you bless her? You know someone who wishes she were a mother. How can you bless her? There is someone who needs your attention, your love, your blessing. Make this a Happy Mother’s Day for someone!
- Mike Johnson