Deacon Nomination Forms Due Sunday, May 12
Our elders have asked the congregation to nominate men to serve as deacons. The qualities of deacons are spoken of by Paul in I Timothy 3:8-13. Among the qualities Paul mentions are respectability, integrity, sobriety, honesty with money, committed to the faith, ability to live with a clear conscience, faithfulness to his wife, and a good manager of his children and his home. While it’s not possible to be perfect in all the qualities Paul mentions, this passage helps us identify the overall character of the man God is looking for in a deacon.
Sunday, May 12 is the deadline to nominate men to serve as deacons for the Mandarin Family. A nomination form is included in Sunday’s bulletin. You are free to nominate as few or as many men as you wish who you believe meet the qualities spoken of in I Timothy 3. You can be especially helpful in this nominating process by suggesting an area of our core practices where you think your nominee could be especially helpful. Signed nomination forms can be placed in the prayer box in the back of the auditorium. If you have any questions, feel free to speak with any of our elders.
Mike Johnson