What a great time to be part of the Mandarin Family! God continues to bless us in ways beyond our imagination. Here are two things to look forward to in the weeks and months ahead.
1. We are in the process of working through logistics to be able to safely resume Sunday morning on-campus Bible classes in the coming weeks. We know our Bible classes are a critical component of carrying out our mission of guiding people into a growing relationship with Jesus, and we recognize that our children have missed nearly a year of in-person Bible classes. While we are working on plans for on campus Bible study, we will not neglect the adults who cannot yet join us, so online Sunday opportunities will continue in some form.
a. As we get classes going again, we are going need teachers and assistant teachers for children and adults. If you are interested in teaching or assisting in our Children’s Ministry or in Jr./We Worship, please see Lori Gallaher. If you are interested in teaching or assisting in our Youth and Family Ministry, please see Dakota Thornton. If you are interested in teaching or assisting in one of our on-campus or online adult classes, please see Mike Bennett. There is a place for you!
We look forward to sharing more with you about on campus Bible studies soon!
2. We are in the process of gradually upgrading our audio/video capabilities to enhance the online and on campus worship experience. Some of these upgrades will be subtle, while others will be quite noticeable.
We are grateful for all our deacons and ministry leaders who are laboring with great faithfulness in the midst of a pandemic as we work together to guide people into a growing relationship with Jesus.
-Mike Johnson