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Coming Soon to a Church Near You….

On Sunday, March 29, all adult and teen Bible classes will meet in the auditorium at 9:00 for a period of singing. We’ll work on a couple of new songs, and we’ll sing a few favorites. Please make plans to be here and join in the praise to our God.

Also, on March 29, we will have our New Comer Luncheon immediately after worship. The entire Mandarin Family and our guests are invited to join us for this special time of honoring those who have joined us in the past year. If you would like to introduce one of our new members, please see me today! A sign-up sheet for lunch items needed is at the Welcome Center in the foyer. Everybody helping a little will add up to a lot, so please sign up and bring something.

Easter Sunday is now less than a month away. While we celebrate our risen Savior every Sunday, Easter provides a unique opportunity to invite our neighbors and friends to worship with us. I hope we have a building overflowing its’ capacity on Easter, because every guest is a precious soul who could be starting their journey with Jesus. Now is the time to start thinking about whom you can invite to join us. Here’s the schedule for that day:

8:30 a.m. Pancake Breakfast
10:00 a.m. Worship
11:10 a.m. Easter Egg Hunt

It’s not too early to start bringing in small, individually wrapped pieces of candy that can fit into a plastic egg. Candy can be dropped off in the cry room.

It’s wonderful to be part of a growing family working together to guide people into a growing relationship with Jesus!

-Mike Johnson
Don’t forget to ‘Take 5’