Below the Waterline — Mandarin Church of Christ
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Below the Waterline

You might remember a few weeks ago, I preached about what one sees above the ocean waterline and beneath the ocean waterline. When all looks calm and peaceful above the waterline, there is a flurry of amazing, beautiful activity going on beneath the waterline.

We are in such a season in the Mandarin Family, where there is indeed a flurry of amazing, beautiful activity going on beneath the waterline. Our Adoration Team did some reconfiguring in the auditorium to give us additional seating, and they are reaching out personally to our guests every week. Our Belonging Team is planning opportunities for us to grow in our relationships with each other, including a men’s retreat next February.

Our Care Team is reaching out to the apartment complexes on a weekly basis, offering bread and an opportunity to pray. In the next week or two, they will be reaching out for assistance in preparing Thanksgiving baskets for over 30 families. BTW, don’t forget to bring in your food and cash donations.

Our Discipleship Team is planning adult classes and group opportunities for next year. Our Evangelism Team and Missions group will soon be communicating with us regarding where we are and next steps when it comes to reaching beyond our walls. Our Administration Team is working on identifying and prioritizing infrastructure needs.

I hope you are praying for the Mandarin Family every day. I hope you are praying for our shepherds, our deacons, our ministry leaders, every man, woman, boy and girl who makes up our family. I hope you are praying that God will grow our family through souls being added to His Kingdom. Our best days as a church family are the days that lie ahead.

-Mike Johnson
Don’t forget to ‘Take 5’
