In my congregational email last week, I mentioned that we have been blessed by a generous donation of school supplies from TCC/Verizon to bless some of the families in the apartment complexes we serve. We thank Andrew Smith, Darty’s son, for helping us make this connection. I also mentioned that we would soon be seeking to add to this blessing with specific items or cash donations. Soon is now .
We plan to bless 120 children this year, and to do so, we need donations! You can donate the cost of a school supplies pack, which is $15, or you can purchase items from this list:
Items Number Still Needed:
Composition book 120
Filler Paper Wide-ruled 57
Colored Pencils, 12 pack 120
Plastic Folder, Pockets & Clips 120
#2 pencils, sharpened Box of 8 64
Large Glue Sticks, pack of 3 120
Crayons, 24 pack 92
If you are worshiping with us on campus, just bring your donations with you. If you are worshiping online, you can stop by any time and place your items in the orange box on the front porch at the auditorium entrance. This box is monitored and emptied daily.
For cash donations, here are your options: a. Online Giving (Website - - From the Choose a Fund option on the Give form, access the dropdown menu and select Special Funding. Tab over to Sub Fund and select School Supplies from the dropdown menu.
b. Mail your check (USPS). Please be sure to write School Supplies in the memo section of your check
c. Give cash or checks to Rita Thompson at Sunday morning Worship.
We are asking to receive all donations by next Sunday, August 16. Blessing these children with school supplies is but one of the many ways we live out our core practice of caring for our world.
-Mike Johnson