Church members Javaris Burks and James Greer, joined by fellow Christians, volunteer all day before going to their regular jobs. “I always want to hear, ‘Well done, my good and faithful servant”’, said Burks, a team leader at a General Motors truck assembly plant. “We’re in the middle of a community that can really use our help.” “We just want to make sure we’re reflecting Christ,” added Greer, a lineman for a cable company. “Sometimes we are the only Bible that people see.”
The above comes from an article I recently read that details the works of a group of men from The North Central Church of Christ in Flint, MI. In 2014, they were instrumental in supplying drinking water to the community when it was discovered that the city’s water plant had become contaminated with lead poisoning.
Their sacrifice and servant hood should truly be emulated. However, what really got my attention was the statement, “Sometimes we are the only Bible that people see.”
SOMETIMES WE ARE THE ONLY BIBLE THAT PEOPLE SEE. Wow! Do we ever look at our own lives from that perspective? Often, we consider ourselves as being insignificant in God’s plans. We look at Hebrews 11, the great heroes of faith, and think that we could never be in that category. But the truth is, those great men and women likely considered themselves as insignificant, and they never knew their lives would turn out to have such an impact on the world and serve as biblical examples.
So, each day as we go about our daily routine, we must remember that people are looking at us. Will they see Christ reflected in us? Might we be the only Bible that they see? What message will we convey? It is my prayer and desire for all, that we humbly serve as Christ’s ambassadors while here in this world. So, you get to decide… HOW WILL PEOPLE SEE ME?
-Richard Dostie