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The Best Thanksgiving Ever

As you prepare for Thanksgiving this week, I hope you are blessed by the below words from my friend and ministry mentor, Dr. Calvin Warpula. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. Near the end of the year, it brings to mind the successes and failures, the joys and sorrows of the past twelve months. It blends together all that we hold dear without sham and commercialism. It’s a quiet holiday to count and enjoy our blessings. It highlights the good stuff of life, home, family, food, and sharing together.

The best Thanksgiving is “thanks” plus “giving.” Giving and sharing with others flow from a Christ-filled heart. Jesus said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” The greatest Thanksgiving you will ever enjoy is the one you share with others. Invite others to share the warmth of your home, your family’s love and care and your Thanksgiving feast.

Here is a prayer for your Thanksgiving dinner: “Heavenly Father, thank you for our food, and we remember the hungry. Thank you for our health and we remember the sick. Thank you for our friends and we remember the friendless. Thank you for our freedom and we remember those imprisoned and oppressed. Thank you for our country and we remember those who are refugees. Thank you for our homes and we remember those who are homeless. Thank you for the privilege of living today, and we remember those who have passed on. May these remembrances stir us to live a loving, giving life that blesses others. Thank you for being our loving God and showering us with mercy, kindness and grace. In Jesus name, Amen.

Don’t Forget to ‘Take 5’